Go girls… let’s have a bin-bag party! | DiscountCoder.com Blog

Go girls… let’s have a bin-bag party!

If you’ve ever coveted your friends’ clothes, here’s your chance to get your hands on them for free. And you’ll have a fantastic evening in while you’re at it! How? Arrange a bin bag party. Our money saving tips usually involve both genders but this one’s for the girls. Most men would find a clothes swapping evening the ultimate nightmare, so to make it up to you chaps we’ll feature a men’s money saving tip soon!

It’s easy. Perhaps you aready go on regular girls’ nights out. Maybe you never get together with your girlfriends and would love the chance. You might even have different sets of friends who haven’t met yet. Either way, choose a suitable evening and get your friends to gather a bin bag full of unwanted clothes each. Add a few bottles of vino, or go for large quantities of chocolate, cake and biccies, and you’re in clothes swapping heaven. 

As well as getting a collection of lovely ‘new’ stuff to wear, you’ll enjoy good conversation and you’ll reduce waste. The leftovers – that nobody wants – can be given to your local charity shop. Arrange a party every six months or at the end of every fashion ’season’ and you’ll get to see everyone regularly instead of talking about meeting but never quite getting around to it.

Inspire your friends to start saving cash with you, using our money saving tips, and you could even get together once a year for a grand discount code session, enjoying a sociable night in buying designer stuff online with the money you’ve squirrelled away!      

Published August 25, 2010 & Filed in Discount Coder Chat

Tags: clothes swap, discount code

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