Conscious shopping – turn off your supermarket autopilot!

How long have you been shopping in your local supermarket or ordering your weekly shop online? If so, have you got into a rut? Do you buy the same old stuff every time, drifting around the aisles in a semi-trance and loading up your trolley without thinking about it? Or do you repeat the same old online order week on week? OK, grocery shopping is pretty dull. But doing the job consciously can save you a decent amount of money each week as well as livening things up a little. 

Next time you hit the supermarket think consciously about what you’re buying instead, and ask a few simple questions before making your grocery choices:

  • do you already have a stock of the same stuff at home that needs using up before it goes off, or do you genuinely need more?
  • are you buying something out of habit that gets thrown away or wasted most of the time?
  • is your family bored to death with the same old thing?  
  • is there a cheaper or own-brand alternative?

As well as helping you cut costs it’s a much more efficient way to shop. You waste less and you’ll probably liven your diet up a bit too, buying tasty and exciting ingredients you’d usually pass by in your habitual shopping trance! 

Some people think you can only save money on consumer goods with discount codes. But you can save on your weekly shop too. There’s Tesco discount codes,  Sainsburys discount codes, Co-operative discount codes and many more, right here on our site. Go save!